Dating German Men In Usa

Posted : admin On 6/9/2022

Dating German Men. German men are a rare breed. They are not conditioned to flirt with women randomly and tend to be quite rigid. In most cases, they come from a rigid background in which not only have they been terrorized by other children in school but also by adults. Germans are typically perfectionists and seem to expect this from everyone. German Men Experience German free online dating like never before with Loveawake. Offering you the unique experience of matching algos, Loveawake will have you swept off your feet in no time. Take advantage of secure chat rooms and special features to get to know each other. Mar 14, 2011 Dating German Men. German men are a rare breed. They are not conditioned to flirt with women randomly and tend to be quite rigid. In most cases, they come from a rigid background in which not only have they been terrorized by other children in school but also by adults. Germans are typically perfectionists and seem to expect this from everyone. Dating German Men. German men are a rare breed. They are not conditioned to flirt with women randomly and tend to be quite rigid. In most cases, they come from a rigid background in which not only have they been terrorized by other children in school but also by adults. Germans are typically perfectionists and seem to expect this from everyone they come in contact with.

If you’re a single German moving to the USA, you might be wondering what the dating “scene” will be like in America. This article covers the differences (and similarities) between the US and Germany when it comes to dating. I’ll also share the best places to meet your potential American boyfriend or girlfriend.

Where to Meet Mr. or Ms. Right

Statistically speaking (incidentally, the best way to speak in Germany), most German couples meet through friends, as revealed by a large survey from 2012. A smaller 2018 survey of about 1,000 participants had slightly different results. They found that just over a quarter met through friends, 18 percent met online, 15 percent met at work, and a mere 14 percent met at a club or bar.

In America, things are a bit different.


Once upon a time, online dating was seen as a last-resort for the desperate and otherwise undateable. In 2005, only 44 percent of surveyed Americans said that online dating was a good way to meet people. Now, that number is nearly 60 percent.

In fact, the majority of American couples now meet online; either through dating apps or social media like Snapchat and Instagram.

The most popular dating app is Tinder; especially among people in their early-to-mid 20’s. Tinder has a reputation for being just for hookups, but these days some people are finding serious relationships by swiping right.

If Tinder’s not the app for you, there are still plenty of other options.

Other popular apps include:

  • OkCupid for those of all orientations in their late 20’s and 30’s
  • Match and E-Harmony for the (typically straight) 40+ crowd
  • Bumble for anyone who want the woman to make the first move
  • Grindr for gay men (mostly for hookups)
  • And numerous other “niche”, interest-based dating apps

The “Old Fashioned” Way

If you’re not interested in using dating apps, you can try bars and clubs. Over a quarter (27%) of American couples still meet during a wild night out. If you live in a small town, your options will be fairly limited; both in terms of bars and potential dates.

Not interested in online dating or going out to bars and clubs? You can still meet someone through your new American friends! In fact, this is the third-most popular way couples meet in America.

Other options include cafes, bookshops, board game groups, church…basically, anywhere. You just have to be brave enough to start a conversation, and respectful enough to know when it’s not the appropriate time or place.

Making a Move

So, here’s the bad news for shy German men, and good news for shy German women: most Americans still expect the man to make the first move in heterosexual relationships; both in person and on dating apps.

Why? Blame lingering puritanical ideas about relationships. Many Americans still have outdated views when it comes to dating, even if they’re progressive in all other aspects of their lives. A lot of American women believe that making the first move will make them seem desperate. What those women don’t realize is that, not only do most men want women to make the first move, making the first move actually makes women more successful in finding love.

So don’t change a thing if you’re an assertive German woman. While all of the American women are busy hoping a guy will notice them, you’ll already have his number.

Before the Date

After you’ve connected with someone, the generally accepted “sweet spot” is to spend at least three days texting with them before suggesting a day and time for your first date. Asking any earlier might make you seem desperate. It’s OK to wait longer than three days, but try not to wait longer than a week.

Waiting too long to plan a date might make the other person think you’re not really interested or (in the case of online dating) catfishing.

While it’s common in Germany to take things slow, Americans tend to move on quickly if they think the other person isn’t interested. Especially if they’re using dating apps.

The Date

Congratulations, you’ve got a date! So, what comes next? Where do you go? Who pays for what? Are you driving together, or arriving separately? Will they “go home with you” after the first date?


First dates in America usually (but not always) include drinks and food. A classic American first date is dinner and a movie. Modern guides will tell you to skip the movie, though, since you can’t get to know each other while sitting in silence.

If you met online, don’t be surprised if your date prefers your first meeting to take place a public space, during the day. Especially if your date is a woman.

If you’d rather do something more active than meetup at a bar or restaurant, that’s great! Just make sure you pick a public place. For example, the beach or bowling can be a great first date. A secluded hike? Not so much.

Getting There

Unless you already know and trust each other fairly well, you will probably arrive separately. Although online dating is popular in America, people are still fairly cautious about going to a stranger’s house or getting in their car.

The Bill

German dating site for americans

So, the date is over and the bill arrives. Who pays? In America, the majority of people still believe men should pay the entire bill.

It’s worth noting, though, that it’s mainly men holding on to this old-fashioned belief. While there are women who think men should foot the entire bill, they’re now in the minority. These days, the majority of women think either person can pick up the check, or that it should be split.

If you’re a German man, don’t reach for your wallet right away when the bill comes. Wait and see if your date gets her wallet as well. Ladies, go ahead and offer to split the bill; your American date will (probably) be relieved.

Heading Home

Unless you met on Tinder, you’re probably going home alone after a first date. Although things are slowly changing in America, sleeping with someone on the first date is still frowned upon if you’re a woman. Especially in rural/conservative areas.

There will always be exceptions, of course; but don’t get your hopes up too high if you’re a straight man hoping to get lucky after one date. It’s probably not going to happen.

Getting Serious

One of the biggest differences between how Americans date and how Germans date is deciding when you’re “officially” a couple. Germans tend to just “let it happen,” rather than having a talk or making an announcement to their friends and family. It can be months before Germans consider themselves a couple, even if they haven’t been seeing other people.

Americans, however, expect there to be a discussion about exclusivity before they commit. It’s very common in America for people to “date around.”

Unless you’ve had the exclusivity talk, you should never assume that they’re not seeing other people. Yes, even if you’ve slept together. While some Americans might save that for exclusive relationships, not all of them will.

So, what’s the best solution? Ask! Not all Americans date around and, if you’re not comfortable dating someone who is, you should make that clear from the very beginning.

This guide to dating in America was the third part in a series of guides for Germans moving to America. The first part covered making friends in America, and the second covered social norms.

I am an American woman living in Germany with my German husband. We met while he was an expat in America, on a three-year work contract. Through my husband, I met other German and European expats, and learned the difficulties and annoyances they had while living in America.

If you have any questions about this post, or other aspects of life in America, feel free to ask in the comments below!

I hope you enjoy reading this blog post.

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Perhaps you’re living in Germany, or maybe you’re traveling there for business or pleasure. Whatever the case, you’d like to meet attractive matches sooner rather than later.

Here are 11 popular German dating sites & apps you should consider in your quest for romance!


Finya is one of the most popular free dating sites in Germany, but there’s one caveat: it’s in German.

While many Germans speak English, this particular site is a great opportunity to brush up on your German skills. And if that fails, there’s always Google Translate, right?

Setting up a profile is simple. There’s no lengthy personality test to take, although Finya does have a section with 100 questions you can answer that could help you get more curated matches.

Finya allows you to freely browse the pool of German singles. There’s also a Tinder-like section where you can swipe through profiles and message any that “like” you back.

Being free, Finya is mainly financed by advertising. So you’ll see a lot of ads. You’ll also receive messages that are advertisements.

This site seems to have more fake profiles and scammers than other German dating sites. But on the plus side, it truly is without payment – there are no upgraded features offered.


eDarling is one of the most popular dating sites across all of Europe, and is owned by the same company that runs EliteSingles.

You’ll need to pay for a subscription if you want to actually meet women on eDarling, as most functions aren’t available for free users.

But that’s not a bad thing – it cuts down on the number of fake profiles on the site.

This is what you can do for free on eDarling:

  • Receive 7 matches every day
  • Send smiles and “likes”
  • Upload photos
  • See the results of your personality test

These features come with a paid subscription:

  • See photos of your matches
  • Freely send messages
  • See who visited your profile
  • Your profile is shown to more local singles
  • You can comment on other users’ profiles and photos
  • You receive up to 20 additional matches every day in the “What If” section
  • A more detailed explanation of your personality test results

There are 3 levels of membership on eDarling: free, premium classic, and premium comfort.

Here is what an eDarling subscription costs*:

(Editor's Note: Pricing subject to change)

Much like eHarmony, this German dating site’s matching algorithm is largely based on a lengthy personality test. Answering all the questions is required.

Be prepared to spend some time taking it – the questions number in the hundreds. But it’s worth answering them accurately, as your responses will directly affect who you’re matched with.

eDarling doesn’t allow you to freely browse all the eligible singles in your area. Instead, you’ll receive your “partner suggestions” every day.

It’s geared towards German singles who are seeking long-term relationships, and is one of the best options for meeting high quality women if you’re 35+ and in large city.


Parship is similar to eDarling in that it relies on a personality test to match people.

Called the “Parship Principle”, it’s a lengthy questionnaire filled with multiple choice questions, as well as more abstract exercises like choosing which image you prefer.

Setting up your profile could take up to an hour, but jumping through all the hoops helps weed out people who aren’t serious about online dating. You can only contact other members if you’ve completed at least 50% of your profile.

Parship sends you matches based on your compatibility score, which is determined by comparing your test results with theirs.

As a free user, you won’t be able to see a match’s photo unless they specifically grant access to it. Instead, you’ll only get a blurred image. Premium members can see photos a match has made public.

Here are the features that come with a paid subscription:

A premium membership on Parship depends on how many months you commit to up front:

  • £14.90/ month for 6 months
  • £19.90/ month for 3 months
  • £29.90/ month for 1 month

This german dating site offers a guarantee of sorts – if you have not made contact with a user within 6 months of purchasing a premium membership, you’ll get another 6-month premium membership for free.


Sure, OkCupid may be owned by the same American corporation that owns Tinder. But it’s still one of the very best places to find interesting, attractive 20- and 30-somethings in Germany.

German Culture

If you’re located near a university or in large, international city like Berlin, it’s definitely worth a closer look.

Okcupid doesn’t cost a cent to use. You can create your profile, see photos of your matches, and exchange messages without a paid subscription.

But, guys, there is one caveat – a woman will only be able to see your first message in her inbox if she’s already “liked” your profile. Until she does that, your profile will pop up in her Discovery, DoubleTake, and Search sections. And she can read your message when she checks out your profile.

OkCupid offers two “premium” membership levels, Basic and Premium which offer additional features like seeing who likes you, unlimited likes, and advanced filtering options.

For more details on upgrading OkCupid click here.


Tinder is one of the most widely used dating apps in the world, and you’ll find plenty of hot German singles looking for all types of relationships.

Using the app is simple – you swipe right on a photo if you’re interested, left if you’re not. If both people “like” each other, a match is made and you can exchange messages.

Tinder is free to download and use. You can “like” up to 100 profiles every 12 hours, and send unlimited messages to your matches.

The majority of Tinder users are 18-34 years old, and live in urban areas; less than 20% of users live in the suburbs, and only 7% in rural areas.

If you live outside the city and don’t mind commuting to your dates, Tinder’s Passport feature allows you to swipe through singles in any location.

This could also come in handy if you’ll be visiting a German city soon and would like to set up dates before you travel. In order to change your location on Tinder, you’ll have to upgrade to Tinder Plus, Gold or Platinum.

Tinder Plus costs $9.99 per month. Here are the features that come with upgrading:

  • Limit what other Tinder users can see, such as your age and distance away
  • Swipe through profiles anywhere in the world
  • “Undo” your last swipe
  • Get a free “Boost” every month, which makes your profile one of the most popular in your area for 30 minutes.
  • Only be visible to people you’ve already “liked”
  • Sort your match feed by most recently active users
  • Swipe right as much as you want
  • No ads
  • 5 extra Super Likes daily

Tinder Gold includes all the Tinder Plus features, plus a grid view of users who have already “liked” your profile. That means you can instantly match with anyone you find there. Tinder Gold costs around $29.99, depending on how many months you purchase at once. Tinder Platinum costs around $39.99 for 1 month.

For a complete Tinder review, click here.


Once is a solid alternative to Tinder if you’re tired of constantly swiping.

Every day at noon, you’ll be presented with one new match. You’ll have 24 hours to like or pass on the match. If you both “like” each other, you can then exchange messages for as long as you’d like.

You can purchase “Crowns”, which are the in-app currency, to unlock these premium features:

  • Choose your match for the next day, without them knowing they were pre-selected
  • Send a one-time message to your match before they’ve “liked” you as a way to break the ice
  • Send and receive chat requests
  • Be matched immediately with another user who’s currently online
  • Chat with a human matchmaker about your “perfect match”, and have your next match hand-picked.

Once markets itself as an app for people seeking serious relationships, and doesn’t have the same huge user pool as Tinder and Badoo. Since you only receive one match a day, you may want to use it in conjunction with another German dating app or site.


Badoo is a dating app like Tinder, and you can swipe right or left on profiles in the “Encounters” section.

But there’s one big difference – Badoo will also show you users who are nearby and have similar interests. If someone catches your eye, you can either “like” their profile, or send them a message.

If you’ve crossed paths with a fellow Badoo user in real life, the dating app will display the time and approximate location.

Badoo is a free dating app, so you can match, message, and meet women on it without payment. However, upgrading to Badoo Premium will unlock some handy features, called Super Powers:

  • See which users have “liked” your profile
  • See who has made you a “favorite”
  • Ability to chat with the most popular women on the app
  • See profiles of new members as they join
  • Your messages appear first in her inbox
  • Invisible browsing
  • Undo “no votes” in the Encounters section

Here is what a subscription to Badoo Premium costs:

  • 1 day: $1.99
  • A week: $7.99
  • A month: $25.99
  • 3 months: $63.99
  • 6 months: $95.99
  • Lifetime: $159.99

Dating German Men In Usa Without

While you’ll find people looking for all type of relationships, Badoo has a more casual vibe than other dating apps like Bumble and Once. This German dating app is ideal if you’re looking for a hookup or a less serious relationship.

For an in-depth Badoo review, click here.


Happn is a truly location-based dating app that’s popular across Europe. Instead of being able to swipe through singles in your general area, you’ll only see people whose paths you’ve crossed during the day.

Your match feed is composed of Happn users who have come anywhere within a maximum distance that you set, up to 90 kilometers. The app will display how many times you’ve come within proximity of each other, the time, and the place of your last encounter.

If she’s currently within the app’s proximity restriction, her profile will say “NOW”. Of course, for privacy reasons it won’t pinpoint her exact location.

If you are interested in someone who appears in your timeline, simply “like” her profile.

If she “likes” you back, a “crush” is formed and you can exchange messages.

This app also has a game feature called “Crush Time”. In it, you’ll try to guess which of four users has liked your profile.

A correct guess means an instant match, a wrong one just means you “liked” her profile and hopefully she’ll return the favor.

Because it’s based solely on physical proximity to other users, Happn is best for people who live in densely populated areas.


This German dating app has a unique twist – you don’t get to see profile photos right away. Instead, you answer questions sent to you from other users, and ask questions of your own. If you both “like” the answers, a match is made and you can exchange photos.

It’s very easy to get started on Candidate, you simply need to provide your name, age, gender, and sexual orientation.


This dating app doesn’t require Facebook, or even an email address to get started. You’ll need to provide your email if you want to verify your account, which is a good idea because you’ll get a “verified” flag on your profile so other users know you’re legit.

Once your profile is set up, you can start to create games.

This is how you “meet” matches. Each game consists of 3 questions that you write. The questions can be about anything, and each has a 300-character limit. You’ll also have to write a title for your game, which can be up to 100 characters.

5 people have the opportunity to answer the first question, and you rate their answers. The 3 “winners” then answer the 2nd question, and you pick your favorite 2 answers. Those 2 users then answer the last question, and you’ll match with and can see the photos of the user whose answer you like best.

You can also participate in the games of other users, and if you’re the winner you can exchange messages with that game’s creator.

Candidate is free to download and use.


Bumble is a dating app that puts women in the driver’s seat when it comes to messaging – only they can send the first one. Apart from that, it’s similar to apps like Tinder where you’ll swipe right or left on singles in your area.

When both Bumble users swipe right, a “connection” is made. At that point she has 24 hours to send you a message before the clock runs out and the match expires. You also have 24 hours to respond, or the match will expire.

Once both halves of a match have sent a message, you can continue the message exchange for as long as you want.

Bumble is free to use, but upgraded “Bumble Boost” users can do things like extend the 24-hour deadline on the matches. That means you can give her an extra day if she hasn’t messaged you yet.

There are 3 features that come with a premium Bumble subscription:

  1. Beeline – this is a separate feed of women who have already ‘liked’ your profile, so a right swipe is a guaranteed match.
  2. Rematch – this feature allows you to reconnect with past matches for another 24 hours.
  3. Busy Bee – this adds another 24 hours on the clock for a new match that’s about to expire.

Bumble Boost costs between $13 and $24 a month, depending on the length of your membership.

Bumble tends to attract singles who are looking for a more serious relationship, so if you’re in the market for something casual, Tinder or even Badoo may be a better bet.

For everything you need to know about this popular dating app, check out our Ultimate Guide To Bumble.

LoveScout 24

LoveScout 24 is a popular dating site in Germany, and it’s free to access the site and download the app.

But if you want to the ability to freely contact singles in your area, you’ll have to pay for a subscription.

Here’s what you can do for free:

  • Create a profile
  • Upload photos
  • Search for and view other profiles
  • Send smiles to show interest in another user
  • Reply to messages from Premium members

Here’s what you can do with a premium membership:

  • Read, send, and reply to messages
  • See who “liked” you
  • Review who visited your profile
  • See who sent you a “smile”
  • See who marked your profile as a “favorite”

LoveScout 24 also hosts events, which members can register for and attend. LoveScout 24 is part of the FriendScout network, which is owned by the same company as Tinder and OkCupid (Match Group).

Dating German Men In Usa Women

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