Free Dating Sites In Usa Allowing Online Check With Ur Bank Account

Posted : admin On 6/11/2022

My (37m) family comes from and is a long line of doctors, being a doctor is the only acceptable profession in their eyes and anything aside from that is met with literal abandonment.

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Which is what happened to me when I turned 17 and told my family I was NOT going to be a doctor but to build an acting career / social media career (youtube wasn't huge then) and supplement my income with small business endeavours. When I told my family this they kicked me out and we subsequently lost contact for 17 years.

During time they moved to the UK and my sister became a doctor and my older brother got into a very competitive stream for surgery (neurosurgery specialising in spinal tumour diagnosis and removal), which he has now finished. We reconnected when COVID hit and they told me they were moving back to Sydney for lifestyle reasons and because my brother has found a $750k a year job.

During the last 2 years they never asked me how my acting career / social media stuff went, and basically assumed I was just slumming in it Sydney. To their credit they were correct in that I didn't 'make it big' in acting (maybe the world wasn't ready for a main stream leading role Indian...), or make it at all. I did however 'make it big' as an investment banker and recently made partner at the bank I work.

Received an email with the subject: YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF or YOUR PRIVACY HAS BEEN COMPROMISED? This is likely to be a scam. Tip #4 Cost Of The Dating Site. There are free dating sites in the USA without payment requirements, but there are also some who needs a credit card. If you are okay using free dating sites, then, by all means, do so since there are a lot of free dating sites today. There are free Thai dating sites and even free Christian dating sites to choose.

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This came to head on Friday when I met them for house shopping (I walked to meet them, and when they asked about my car, I just said I preferred to walk), and they realised the areas they wanted to live; despite being highly paid medical professionals, simply wasn't going to be happening, as the houses cost north of $20m. When we decided to call it a day and regroup they suggested going to my place before going out to dinner.

When we arrived at my house they thought I was renting a room and enquired how much rent was, I informed them that I wasn't renting and that this was my house. They lost their shit, accusing me of lying to them for years and only meeting up to rub their face in my 'probably illegally gained' wealth, and capped it off by informing me that they'll be living with me now instead of with my oldest brother, since they can't be seen living in a worse house then their son.

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I laughed at them and reminded them that they bet on my brother and sister not me, and that they have a better chance of living with my neighbours than me. At that point they threatened to 'cut me out of their will', to which I reminded them of the fact that they can't even afford to buy it my area, so their will and assets don't really matter to me.

Now they aren't talking to me, and my brother and sister are saying I should have been proactive in letting them know of my success (I have a public linkedin profile, so they literally never googled me).

Edit. Getting a lot of hate about including the terms social media influencer in my post. To clarify, this was 19 years ago, and I believe social media influencer is probably the updated term for socialite. I wanted to be famous, but I had no real skills or plan ad to how I was going to achieve that goal... like most social media people.

Edit 2. A lot of people are critical that my family just kicked me out or that it's unlikely a parent would do this. Obviously I wasn't a great child in their eyes in general and this was the final straw so to speak. Also desi parents are a different level of parents... from washing your fathers feet, to not speaking unless spoken to, not allowed to talk to opposite sex and viewing the head of house as an almost God figure, it's a bit different. Desi parents are also incredibly strict, not like your room needs to be clean strict, but like clean the entire house, wash the cars, wash iron everyone's clothes or you are getting beaten with a broom.

For the people talking about house prices, yeah Sydney is wack, House prices jump around a bit too of course, but generally speaking if you live in a house on the harbour it's wasn't cheap. Our former PM lived in a $70m to $90,? House at Point piper.

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So from my experience, I will be showing you the best yahoo dating sites to get your clients. All clients are the same, but clients from the USA, Canada, Australia are among the best. The reason is that they are the ones that have the most money to spend. So if you are looking for where to get these types of clients, this yahoo boy dating site post is for you.

I a going to make this post very short and sweet so that you can understand.

One of the questions every new yahoo boy asks is

“How can I get clients? or which is the best yahoo dating site to get clients.”

I hope this post will answer some of those questions and get you started as fast as possible.

There are so many sites to gain client, but the fact is that the website owners are updating their sites with the latest security software to weed out G-boys like us. I will also be listing some of the sites too while I drop suggestions on how you can also avoid some of these security barriers and start bombing your clients.

Tools you need to get a Good Yahoo Dating Site

To get a good dating site is not an easy task. There are several tools that you need to accomplish that and make sure that you are never kicked out.

I will list them out in order of priority and importance.

Nord VPN

This is one of the most robust VPN that is readily available for G-boys to do their job. Most of the other VPNs are expensive and also not reliable at some point.

The reason a VPN is used in a dating site is because of our IP address. Once you log onto the internet, your computer is given an automatic IP address depending on your location.

Since our location is Nigeria, most dating sites don’t allow us to join their dating sites because they know that we will scam them (who cares, by the way?)

We aim to make our location seem like we are in the United States, so we will make use of the Nord VPN to route our location to the US.

Through that means, we are allowed to the dating sites to do what we want to do.

ID Generator

Most yahoo boys who use the military dating format or the normal yahoo dating format don’t know that conflicting personal profiles on most dating sites can make them ban you from the dating site.

So to avoid this, what I do is to use the ID generator to bring up real names and locations of people in the United States and then use their profile.

With that, I can create a genuine profile that will make it look like I am real. You can use this website to generate your fake IDs, including your Card details.

A Good Laptop

You can’t use a phone and do all these, so you need a laptop. You don’t even need a sophisticated laptop, and you just need an average laptop that can allow you to attach all these tools while working. Since you will be actively searching for many yahoo boy dating site, your computer will help you.

Your laptop gives out a static IP address, but the phone IP is dynamic, making the burst you on any dating site. Please go out and get a laptop – you can see some laptops for just #25,000 Naira.

So what are the best yahoo dating sites to get clients?

I will list out the few making sense yahoo dating sites to get clients, but you can go ahead, later on, to figure out the rest because it isn’t hard to find.

Some sites on my list can even surprise you – because you aren’t expecting them. So what are the names of these dating sites to bomb US clients?


This site has one of the best security on the earth, but it is still one of the best dating sites. I call it one of the best because you are going to meet legit clients.

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So if you have an active Nord VPN, you can penetrate and start bombing clients. Since this is one of the best dating sites with perfect security, it is clear that there are few scammers on the sites. Unlike other yahoo dating sites that you will meet your fellow yahoo guys in high quantity, this site won’t allow that – especially the upcoming G-boys.

OkCupid takes my number 1 position.

Facebook Groups/Pages

A dating site mustn’t be called a dating site first before you know it is a dating site. Facebook and groups and pages are some of the best places to run scams and cashout very fast.

The real issue concerning trying to open a new Facebook group/Page is because Facebook will always block your account. I then did a survey and figured out why Facebook will always block your account once you open it.

Then I decided to write about how to create a Facebook account without getting blocked. So if you follow the steps that I outlined, you will see that your Facebook profile can’t be blocked.


Most people will scream, “how is that even possible?”

I guess you must have seen people falling in love with themselves on Twitter and later getting married after many days or years? Everything should concern you except getting married – unless you want a green card.

The steps are quite simple to get clients from Twitter. But first of all, you should know how Twitter works and have good knowledge about using it as a Yahoo dating site.

How I use Twitter to get clients?

Free Dating Sites In Usa Allowing Online Check With Ur Bank Account Login

See my steps here;

  • I create a new profile with a foreign personality
  • I follow Celebrities from the United States
  • I follow some people that comment on their tweets
  • I make friends
  • I send them DMs and hope they respond
  • I build up my relationship
  • Before I start working with my format.

It isn’t a must that the country must be the US, but I prefer the united states to other countries personally (they get money pass others).


If you are looking for some good yahoo dating sites to bomb US clients, you should look at eHarmony. It is another tough site with a high population of US citizens.

Their security is also tight to limit the number of scammers on the platform. If you can gain entrance, then be sure that you will get a good client as soon as possible.

You have to make sure that your profile is sweet and authentic. This will make other people on the website to believe you and your stories.


This is another good yahoo dating site, and I will be writing about it very soon. You can go ahead and make your research about the site. Before you make research, make sure you have a solid VPN that will enable you to gain access to the site.

Just stick around for when I will update this page with more information regarding the POF dating site.

All the same, there are general rules to observe while using dating sites for Yahoo, and they are;

Sites to get Rich Clients

If you are looking for where to find rich clients to improve your yahoo game, then you need to look out for some cool sites to get rich clients. These websites are not just available to everyone, before they will spam and spoil the website for you.

So here are some top sites to get rich clients.

Millionaire Match

Among dating sites, millionaire match is the best when it comes to getting rich clients to chat with in large numbers. It was developed in 2001 and has been growing for a long time. You can find lots of popular people on Millionaire Match and chat with them – even celebrities from Hollywood.

Most of the clients you meet there are rich and are willing to splash the cash on you if you meet their criteria. If you are using the woman to man format, then this is a top site to get rich clients.


If you are using a female profile and need a site to get rich clients like sugar daddies, then you should use Sugar Daddy Meet. It is suitable for people using the sugar daddy format or using the love format for sugar daddies.


If you are interested in meeting single people around the world using the dating billing format, then you need to use this website. It is a site to get rich client and people who can fulfil your desire in terms of money.

This dating site for yahoo receives about 64,000 new members monthly, and you can always find superior clients to get money from. It is infact one of the best yahoo dating sites to get rich clients.

If you want a rich client, religious client, then you should consider using this site to get rich clients.

Rules for Getting Clients on Yahoo Dating Sites

  1. Make sure your picture is beautiful/Handsome – so that people will love you faster
  2. Complete your profile 100% to make it look real
  3. Get pictures from Instagram; google can’t access it, so nobody will know where you stole the picture from.
  4. Never be too desperate
  5. Always make friends with your clients on the dating site before you move them down to Whatsapp or anywhere else that is convenient for you.

How to get a sure client on Facebook

Now you have to know that opening a new Facebook account to get clients on Facebook for yahoo will be difficult. The reason is that the Facebook algorithm will detect the fake account and block it.

To solve this problem, I have written a detailed post on how to create a Facebook profile that can’t be blocked, so check it out.

To get started on Facebook, I will say that if you can hack someone’s Facebook account and use it, you should go ahead. There is another post to teach you hacking; you can use the resource and execute your hacking game.

If you can’t hack, then I suggest you look for someone who is selling old Facebook accounts and buy from them. It would be very important because the Facebook algorithm doesn’t block old accounts like that.

Once you have your account and ready to go, then let’s proceed to how to get a sure client on Facebook,

Set up your Profile

By setting up your profile to do yahoo on Facebook, you have to start editing the former profile and making it look real. When I say real, I mean to the new personality you want it to have.

You are going to be editing

  • Location
  • Former friends (If you hacked the account or bought an old account)
  • Date of Birth
  • Profile picture
  • Posts
  • Groups
  • Like, dislike, and almost everything on the profile.

Before you set up the profile, you should have a series of pictures you want to use and set up your profile. Since Facebook is where you should always post continuous pictures, you should have enough pictures of the person you are using.

Don’t use a celebrity because they will figure out and report you to Facebook for them to block you. I suggest you use a female account because it will get you the popularity and attention you need. If you are looking for where to get pictures from, you can use these places to get fake pictures for your social media profile.

Free Dating Sites In Usa Allowing Online Check With Ur Bank Account Number

After you’ve set up your profile and it now looks convincing, then you should move to the next stage.

Start Posting Convincing Posts

Everything around your post should portray someone genuine. You can start by showing off your family and friends. Also, you can wish your kid a happy birthday, show pictures of your workplace. Even if nobody likes or comment on your picture, continue doing it consistently. Along the line, people will start noticing you and add you as friends.

Join groups to Add friends

Don’t make the mistake of sending friend requests to those that Facebook recommends for you. Once you send the request, they mark it as spam, which is the end of your account.

So it is better you join groups (politics, dating, relationship, family, etc.), and when you start communicating with people there, you can collect permission to send them friend requests.

Use the right format.

Depending on where you met the client or the group, then use the client. If you met in a dating group, then use the dating format. If you met in an investment group, then you can use the bitcoin format or investment format. You can also decide to use the grant format and cash out from there.

Free Dating Sites In Usa Allowing Online Check With Ur Bank Account Balance

You can tell them something like, “The federal government recently announced giving out grants to entrepreneurs, you mind if I share the information with you?” Then you collect their email and bomb them with the format.

This is how to get clients on Facebook for yahoo and cash out real big. Everything depends on your format.

I will be bringing more rules that can help you get clients easily on Yahoo dating sites, so make sure you follow them. If you haven’t subscribed, make sure you do!

If you have questions, drop them, and I will answer.

Please share this post on social media, and I will add the highest sharer to my yahoo Whatsapp group.

Stay safe and avoid SWAT as a yahoo boy!
